It is okay to feel jealous…

3 min readJun 19, 2021

Recently, two of my closest friends made it big in their career, while I was trying hard not to be laid off during this pandemic.

These people are my closest buddies, and when I got the big news from them, a sensation of jealousy ran across my veins.

“Am I jealous of my friends? What kind of person I am!! I am not worthy of this friendship” ..bla bla bla. My inner self started talking to me without a pause. If you are reading this, you must also have been through this.

The mere fact that you felt jealous of your friend makes you feel bad about yourself…but Hey!, I got you. It’s totally fine. Believe me, It’s okay to feel Jealous.

We as Human beings have various emotions inside our little hearts. Out of these various emotions, the most dominant are the emotions of love, anger, jealousy. Today, I will just focus on the emotion called “Jealousy”.

Whenever we see our friends or colleagues achieve things that we want to achieve for ourselves, but somewhere we miss it (Maybe just for some time), we feel jealous because we start comparing ourselves to others. This feeling makes us uncomfortable at our friend’s success party or anything of that sort.

This feeling of jealousy makes us feel bad about ourselves. Because we do not want to feel that way about our friends right?!. Ideally, we should be very happy about the progress of our friends right? But it doesn’t work that way. After all, we are Human beings (Cheers!)

I have also gone through this all, and that’s why today I am sharing some tips with you (Hope it helps you to get over that phase of self-demeaning talks)

  1. Accept that You are Jealous: Accept the fact that you are feeling jealous of your friend. Denial leads to more destruction, so just accept your feelings.
  2. Think of the things you are Grateful for: We all have something to be grateful for in our life, no matter who you are or what you do. Feel grateful for the fact, that you exist at this moment, that you have the ability to read this, feel grateful that you have access to electricity, the device on which you are reading this post, the country you live in, the air you breathe, the people who love you. There are countless things to feel grateful for. Count your blessing, no matter how small.
  3. Make a gratitude journal: DO Write the ten things that you are grateful for on this day. I can’t emphasize this enough. The gratitude journal helps you slowly but immensely. Just try it.
  4. Work towards achieving your goal: Do not just sit back and see, work towards your dream, do whatever makes you happy (Not encouraging illegal things)
  5. Meditation for Mindfulness: Practice meditation so that you can shift your energy from negative things to positive things.

Happy Reading :)




There is a girl learning about new things everyday.